Calling all ambitious corporate women 📣

It's time to

Amplify Your


Join this free event on April 18th at 9AM PT to learn from powerful underrepresented women who will share their strategies and tips on navigating challenges in a male-dominated industries, how to get promoted, mastering negotiation, navigating bias, and more! 

The countdown is on
Minority women make up 5.82% of private sector senior-level executives. Let's Change That.

Our mission is to bring diverse women together to learn from inspirational speakers, make connections, and level up skills to help build the next generation of executives. Why do it alone? 

Does this
sound like

  • You're struggling to get recognized at work and have a hard time speaking up.
  • You're driven to get buy-in from senior leadership at your company.
  • You cringe at the thought of having to negotiate. 
  • You're not sure how to play the political game at work. 
  • You're looking for other ambitious minority women to connect with. 
  • You're managing a team and want to level up but are not sure where to begin.

Best believe you've come to the right place.

We're here to learn and grow together.

Past Event Testimonial
I now feel motivated & prepared to quell my imposter syndrome."

Thank you for inspiring us! I now feel motivated and prepared to quell my imposter syndrome, recognize my worth in and out of the workplace, and be a confident woman when it comes to speaking up about my vision!

Gissel E

Here’s what you’ll learn

Setting yourself up for a promotion

Gain practical insights and actionable steps to demonstrate your value, develop key skills, and effectively position yourself for advancement within your organization.

Negotiating like a pro in the Corporate Arena

Explore the essentials of negotiation and understand your worth in the corporate setting. Join to develop practical skills for successful negotiations, helping you secure the recognition and rewards you deserve in your career.

Building a mindset to address Bias and Micro-aggressions

Engage in candid conversations on navigating bias and microaggressions at our upcoming panel. This will be an open dialogue where diverse voices share experiences and insights, fostering a deeper understanding and promoting workplace equity.

Navigating Career Changes with Confidence and Purpose

Learn the fundamentals on cultivating a resilient mindset to navigate challenges during your career pivot, crafting a distinct personal brand to establish a memorable presence and gain insights on how to create a diverse and supportive network to support your journey. 

Meet your host

Pegah Stewart

As the Founder of Boldly Made and Senior Strategic Partnership Manager, she is passionate about creating spaces where women come together to learn and grow. She's hosted numerous online events which have generated thousand of attendees and she is on a mission to help minority women take more executive seats in corporate. 

A few facts about Pegah:
  • Coached 100+ women on how to negotiate.
  • 10+ Years of Partnership and Marketing Experience.
  • Co-Created Lift Her Wealth Summit in 2020 with 5,000 attendees.
  • First Generation Iranian-Canadian.

Register & Let's do this together.

We recognize meeting and connecting with diverse ambitious women in corporate can be challenging. Join us to connect, learn, and grow together. The journey is much more fun with allies along the way! 


Will the sessions be recorded?

Will I be able to network with fellow attendees?

How much are tickets?

Will the slides for the event be available?

I would like to partner or sponsor the event. How can I get in-touch?